Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Thinking of my mom

Here it is another day. I am sitting in one of my favorite coffee shops, it has good coffee and free wireless. As I mentioned in my first post that my mother had passed away on December 11, 2004, she had Alzheimer. When my mother died she did not know who I was, but she liked me (that was a good thing). Alzheimer’s is a terrible disease, it robs you of those that you love before they actually pass away. I have been missing my mom a long time . I missed the look on her face when I come to see her, I missed talking to her. My mom had stopped being able to carry on a conversation, she would answer question. When I went to see her, I would sing songs that we use to sing together, songs such as Goody Goody, The Lady in Red, all those old songs that I learned from her when I was a kid.

I hope that anyone that feels that a loved one might have Alzheimer, seek help to understand the disease. A great resource is the Alzheimer's Foundation of America the web address is: http://www.alzfdn.org/

Find joy in what you do and smile at strangers, it will make them wonder.

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